In case of extreme or exceptional pollution, it may become necessary to wash glass and porcelain insulators to reduce the risk of flashover due to critical deposit of pollution. In 2004, Sediver developed Sedicoat insulator, a toughened glass insulator factory-processed with an RTV silicone coating which eliminates the need for regular washing.
The hydrophobic behavior of the coating helps to mitigate extreme pollution problems by reducing wetting and leakage current. This significantly enhances its electrical performance under extreme pollution while keeping the inherent properties of the toughened glass.
Main advantages
- Reduce the maintenance costs as there is no need for washing
- Keep the inherent properties of Sediver toughened glass in terms of:
- ease and reliability of visual inspection
- safe live-line working
- long term electrical and mechanical reliability
- no ageing
- lowest shattering rate
- No need to modify the line design
- Can be applied on all glass profiles
Sedicoat insulators have proven their long-term performance in all kinds of heavy and very heavy pollution :
Coastal areas Agricultural pollution areas Desert areas Industrial pollution areas
Recommended profiles
In extreme pollution environment, Sediver recommends selecting glass profiles with self-cleaning properties or with reduced pollution build-up:

Open profile

Outerib profile

Fog Types profile
All Sediver recommended profiles are available in fully coated and/or bottom coated.
Mechanical rating
From 70 kN up to 840 kN
For voltage up to
- 800 kV HVDC
- 1,000 kV HVAC
- 20+ years of outstanding performance
- 4+ million insulators in service
- 25+ countries
Case studies